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  • kleinz.Bronchialca.

    Sehr geehrter Prof. Wust ,
    meine Mutter , 59jährige Pat. , mit gutem allgem.Zustand, bekommt jetzt die 2.Chemo mit Cisplatin und Etoposid ., immer über 3 Tage , alle 3 Wochen. Der Bronchialca. hat leider in die Leber metastasiert . Beim Kleinzeller ist ja bekannt , wie schnell er wieder auftritt , nun meine Frage :
    Was hat es mit dem BEC 2 auf sich . Wo müsste sich meine Mutter melden . Sind die Amerikaner schon weiter ?
    bin selber Krankenschwester und war beruflich auch schon in den USA
    In der Hoffnung auf baldige bzw. positive Antwort
    verbleibe ich mit freundlichen Grüße und vielem Dank Martina Behrend

  • RE: kleinz.Bronchialca.

    Wie Sie unten lesen können in 2 Zusammenfassungen, ist der Antikörper BEC2 nur als adjuvante Maßnahme nach erfolgreicher Chemotherapie in der Diskussion. Zunächst wäre also eine komplette Remission (Tumor verschwindet vollständig) notwendig.Das muß noch abgewartet werden. Lesen Sie auf der Homepage der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft www.studien.de oder unter www.controlled-trials.de.

    Strategies to eradicate minimal residual disease in small cell lung cancer: high-dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow transplantation, matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, and BEC2 plus BCG vaccination.
    AU: Krug,-L-M; Grant,-S-C; Miller,-V-A; Ng,-K-K; Kris,-M-G
    AD: Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Cornell University Medical College, New York, NY 10021, USA.
    SO: Semin-Oncol. 1999 Oct; 26(5 Suppl 15): 55-61
    AB: In the last 25 years, treatment for small cell lung cancer (SCLC) has improved with advances in chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Standard chemotherapy regimens can yield 80% to 90% response rates and some cures when combined with thoracic irradiation in limited-stage patients. Nonetheless, small cell lung cancer has a high relapse rate due to drug resistance; this has resulted in poor survival for most patients. Attacking this problem requires a unique approach to eliminate resistant disease remaining after induction therapy. This review will focus on three potential strategies: high-dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow transplantation, matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, and BEC2 plus BCG vaccination.

    Long survival of patients with small cell lung cancer after adjuvant treatment with the anti-idiotypic antibody BEC2 plus Bacillus Calmette-Guerin.
    AU: Grant,-S-C; Kris,-M-G; Houghton,-A-N; Chapman,-P-B
    AD: Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York 10021, USA.
    SO: Clin-Cancer-Res. 1999 Jun; 5(6): 1319-23
    AB: Despite active therapies for small cell lung cancer (SCLC), most patients relapse and die of the disease. The present study evaluates immunization using the anti-idiotypic antibody BEC2, which mimics the ganglioside GD3 expressed on the surface of most SCLC tumors, combined with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) as an immune adjuvant. We hypothesized that active immunization could alter the natural history of the disease. Fifteen patients who had completed standard therapy for SCLC received a series of five intradermal immunizations consisting of 2.5 mg of BEC2 plus BCG over a 10-week period. Blood was collected for serological analysis, and outcome was monitored. All patients developed anti-BEC2 antibodies, despite having received chemotherapy with or without thoracic radiation. We detected anti-GD3 antibodies in five patients, including those with the longest relapse-free survival. The median relapse-free survival for patients with extensive stage disease is 11 months and has not been reached for patients with limited stage disease (>47 months), with only one of seven patients having relapsed after a median follow-up of 47 months. Immunization of patients with SCLC after standard therapy using BEC2 plus BCG can induce anti-GD3 antibodies and is safe. The survival and relapse-free survival in this group of patients are substantially better than those observed in a prior group of similar patients. A Phase III trial is being conducted to evaluate BEC2 plus BCG as adjuvant therapy after chemotherapy and irradiation.

